
Galway Trip

This month, we have been to the west of Ireland with some friends. We rented a car and we drove in Co. Galway. And we are happy to say that we drove on the left side…! At first it was scary but after 5 minutes we get used to easily!

So we started our trip visiting the Burren. This region is really unique and specific to Irlande: As far as the eye can see, there are only rocks. But not usual rocks: it’s one of the largest karst-landscape of Europe, with an amazing biodiversity! The Irish word for The Burren is “Boireann” meaning “rocky aera” and this is totally justified. A famous description of the Burren is "The Burren. Where there are no trees to hang a man. Where there is not enough water to drown him. And if you finally succeeded in killing him, it's too rocky to bury him."

What is there to see in this area?
  • The Dunguaire Castle. It’s a ruined castle but it offers a very beautiful view point.

  • Poulnabrone Dolmen: It’s a portal tomb dating of the Neolithic period. Between 28 and 22 persons were buried under this dolmen.

  • There are also a lot of Celtics crosses!
  • The Burren National park, where you can see this typical landscape.
The second day, we have been to the famous Connemara! This is a very beautiful region, wild, without anybody but with ponies! A typical Irish region with its mountains, its lakes and forests. A must to see!

The kylemore Abbey is also a place to see! It was a castle but now it’s a girl school, with lovely Victorian gardens.

On the third and last day we visited Galway. It’s a nice small city but there is not so much to see. But we enjoyed Galway’s night life! ;)
Then we have been to the famous Cliffs of Moher. This is really a breathtakingly beautiful landscape.  They rise 120 meters, and the maximum height is 241 meters. This is maybe one of the most popular place in Ireland with one million visitor a year.

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