
Gaelic sports

Gaelic sports are traditional sports in Ireland. These sports are managed by the GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association). The main sports are football and hurling, but there are too Rounder, Camogie (it s like hurling, but for women) and Gaelic handball. 
The Gaelic football and the hurling are the most popular sport in Ireland, more than football and rugby.
The Gaelic football and the hurling have the same pitch, around 140m long and around 85 wide. There are two goals at each ends of the pitch, which are a mix between a rugby goal and a football goal.  In each sport, the teams comprise 15 players. Players have to strike the ball in the goals, they win 1 point in the upper part of the goal, and 3 in the lower part, where there is the goalkeeper.


 Players use a Hurley to play, it’s like a butt, and they have to strike a ball, called a Siolar. Each team has a goalkeeper, 6 defenders, 2 midfielders and 6 forwards. Players can’t use their hands to pick up the ball on the floor, just with the Hurley, but they can use the Hurley, hands or with feet to pass the ball.

Gaelic football:

This sport looks like a mix between football and rugby, with a circle ball. Players can use their hands and feet to play. There are, as in hurling, one goalkeeper, 6 defenders, 2 midfielders and 6 forwards. Players can’t run with the ball in the hands, they have to dribble as in basket or do a toe-tap.
The most important games in the GAA take place in Cork Park, a stadium in Dublin, where only the Gaelic sports take place. It’s the biggest stadium in Dublin (80 000 places), and the headquarter of the GAA.  

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