
Irish education system

The Irish education system is very similar to other Western systems, including three levels: primary school, secondary school and higher education.
The language is English at all levels, except in the Gaelscoileanna (Gaelic language schools), where the teaching language is Gaelic.
Diplomas of Higher Education are awarded by the Dublin City University, the Dublin Institute of Technology, the Higher Education and Training Awards Council, the National University of Ireland, University of Dublin and the University of Limerick. These are the authorities authorized by the Irish government to deliver higher education qualifications at all levels.
Thanks to the "Free Fees Initiative" program, the Ministry of Finance supports the university fees of students meeting the criteria of education, nationality and residency required. Registration fees are approximately 2000€ and must be paid at the beginning of the academic year for most studies, these fees cover registration, examinations and student services. (France should take it as an example!!!)

The relationship between teachers and pupils is very different in Ireland than in France. In Ireland, there is a real exchange between them. Pupils can speak freely, talk about their experiences, create debates. In France, only the teacher can talk. We can't really call it "an exchange".

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