

We are going to give some little tips to survive in Dublin:
-          If you are hungry, no matters the time, just
       go to Centra and ask for a chicken fillet roll.
       This is a very tasty baguette sandwich and
        it costs only 1.99 euros !

-          If you plan to go out, check on internet
       where the good parties are. A lot of
       websites will give you these informations.  

-          If you want to go in a club, again check
       on internet before and try to be on the cheap/
       free list on facebook.

-          If you going out and you are a girl and oups! 
      you forgot your make up or your
      perfume… Don’t worry!!  In almost every
      toilets you can find everything you
      need: perfumes, make-up, hair straightener, chewing gums… !
-          Go out in other areas than Temple bar !

-      Be prepare to sing ! Molly Malone, Galway Girl, Dirty Old Town, Whiskey in The Jar are popular in touristic places.

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